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Bathed in Light

Flowing colors glide through the entire Zug railway station, while color transitions in a changing rhythm give it a pulsating, energy-laden vitality. With our comprehensive control concept and specially developed visualization software, James Turrell was able to define the colors and transitions on site and combine them to choreograph an entire performance.

Two slim structures, linked by a glazed façade, constitute the new station building in Zug designed by the Zurich-based architects Hornberger. The unusual depth and 3D nature of the architecture is further emphasized when night falls and James Turrell’s lighting installation comes into play. Flowing color-chases spread not just over the glass but along the inner façades of the narrowing concourse, accentuating the »perspective effect« of the lines as they appear to converge on a point away in the distance. With its constant color transitions and changing rhythms the light also gives the building a pulsating vibrant energy.

Pulsating vibrant energy

Control and software perfectly in tune with Turrell’s concept

Intelligent 144 channel DMX controller

The fc s.dmx 144d controller is an intelligent lighting control unit offering all the benefits of DMX512 technology. Up to 144 channels can be used for controlling DMX receivers.

4 channel DMX to PWM interface from feno

DMX signal converter with four PWM outputs for simple and reliable dimming of 1...10V receivers in connection with the fi pwm-analog 4d smoothing module.

4-Kanal-PWM-zu-1..10 V-Signalkonverter

PWM smoothing module with for 1..10V outputs for dimming 1..10V receivers together with signal converter fi dmx-pwm 4d.

This work of art in light could only be accomplished if the concept envisaged by James Turrell could be put into practice quickly and flexibly. Thanks to a com-prehensive control concept devised by feno and specially developed software that enables the lighting situations in the building to be visualized, the colors and sequences could be defined on site with the artist and put together in a seamless choreographic arrangement.

Project: Zug Station
Contractor: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB, Luzern
Architects: Hornberger Architekten AG, Zürich
Lighting Design: James Turrell
Light Planning: Dieter Dartsch, Interior Designer, Riehen
Photograph credits: Florian Holzherr


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